Introducing the Harmonized Civil Rights Data Collection (H-CRDC)

The Harmonized Civil Rights Data Collection (H-CRDC), created by AdvancED Equity, merges data released between 2011-12 and 2020-21 by the Office for Civil Rights at the US Department of Education. H-CRDC will allow researchers, journalists, policymakers/influencers, and practitioners to examine how various aspects of civil rights enforcement in schools have evolved over the last decade in the US. Key features include:

  • information on school characteristics and their demographic composition,

  • school discipline outcomes,

  • advanced course taking, and

The H-CRDC also includes information on the school districts (also known as local education agencies) associated with the nation’s public schools. The H-CRDC comprises one main combined data file and 20 module-by-module files, which covers all data elements collected in the CRDC from a near-census of all schools and districts in the United States.

To access the H-CRDC, please fill out the request form here. Read more about the H-CRDC here. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at if you notice any errors or have any questions and suggestions.  


Announcing AdvancED Equity